Saturday, December 17, 2005

Too quiet on the Vag front...

Okay -

No names to be mentioned - but I've had it suggested that we call it for the weekend in February at the begining.

While I know Mrs. T let it be known her thoughts, and while those have been taken into consideration - it has been expressed to myself and other co-founders to continue on based in the tradition of last year.

Any last protests should be presented ASAP - let's say we'll give it by the end of next week for a for sure date to be set so we can start making reservations as needed.

Also - as before - If you'd like admin rights to post your ideas on the blog - speak up . I like to yap - we all know that, but I can let others have a chance!

Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Vaginas in Regina 2 has been announced!!

As you all know, earlier this week we've had exciting news of the second annual Vaginas in Regina gathering!! The past participants and organizers, as well as future potential participants are all buzzing with excitement. The ground-work has been laid, and suggestions are flying in left and right from all participants. Regardless of the final decisions - one thing is for sure - a great weekend is promised to all attending!

Originally at the start of this blog - there was to be a poll posted in order to vote on important decisions involving our weekend of fun. However, Blogger doesn't want to allow me to post polls so instead, the purpose of this blog will be to keep all participants notified of the events surrounding VIR2.

If any participants would like access to contribute to blog news - please notify me, as I would happily figure out how to have everyone that wants it, given the proper rights to it.

Also - the comment section is encouraged - but you will have to register to use this feature

Let the fun begin!!